It is important to remember that an online business is still a business and the fact that it’s ‘online’ doesn’t ordinarily affect legal dilemmas such as the owners being personally sued for a...
One punch killers to spend more time behind bars
Posted By ,
10/09/2019 11:54 AM
With alcohol related violence remaining a prominent issue of debate in the media and whether new ‘king-hit’ legislation will be introduced nationally. Earlier in the year State governments were...
What is a work Licence?
Posted By ,
10/09/2019 11:54 AM
A work licence is a restricted licence obtained by applying to the court in circumstances where the driver satisfies the criteria for the court to grant the licence. There are two situations in which ...
Part X – Personal Insolvency Agreements
Posted By ,
10/09/2019 11:53 AM
A Personal Insolvency Agreement is a formal agreement between a debtor (someone who owes money) and their creditors (someone who is owed money) that sets out how the debtor will satisfy the...
Part IX Debt Agreements
Posted By ,
10/09/2019 11:52 AM
A Part IX (Part 9) debt agreement provides a relatively informal, low-cost alternative to bankruptcy for low income debtors (people who owe money to others). To be eligible to propose that a Part IX d...
Bankruptcy Law
Posted By ,
10/09/2019 11:52 AM
Bankruptcy is a voluntary means of quickly dealing with creditors if the debts you owe are $5,000 or more and will be in place for 3 years with the exception of circumstances where your trustee...
Special Hardship Orders
Posted By ,
10/09/2019 11:51 AM
In circumstances where your provisional or open driver’s licence has been suspended following accumulation of two or more demerit points whilst driving during a good driving behaviour period or if...
Domestic Violence and Lawyers
Posted By ,
10/09/2019 11:50 AM
Family and domestic violence occurs when a family member uses violence or abusive behaviour to control another family member. Factors that may indicate family and domestic violence include (but are...
Is your personal property safe?
Posted By ,
10/09/2019 11:49 AM
A recent court decision has provided direction to legal practitioners on the necessity of registering all personal property which is subject to a lease/ hire agreement on the Personal Property...
Online defamation
Posted By ,
10/09/2019 11:47 AM
The issue of online naming and shaming of people and businesses is rife and although venting rage and disappointment online can provide some emotional release and a warning to others, the risks are im...